How To Love the Body You Have

girl body image

Body image affects each and every one of us; and has grown to hold a negative reputation. Self image goes hand in hand with what we think we should look like. Unfortunately, so much of what we think of ourselves is related to our physical appearance. Am I thin enough? Do I have too much muscle? Do my legs look okay in this dress? Instead of praising ourselves and loving the way we look, we too often hold ourselves to an unattainable standard. But who sets that bar so high? You. While it is quite natural to be your own biggest critic, we must stop every so often and know when to draw the line.

Here are 5 ways to help you change your negative thinking, and love the body you’re in.

♥Self acceptance.

Look in the mirror and learn to love what you see. Accept that there are days you will feel great and days you won’t. Train your mind to be okay with the choices you make, because if you don’t subconsciously approve of them, you simply wouldn’t make them.

♥Ditch the guilt.

100% related to acceptance is learning to ditch the guilt. If you want to have that 4th cookie, have it- but only if you can skip the guilt trip after you swallow that last chocolate chip. If you know you are going to regret eating something, or skipping a workout- don’t do it! Only make choices that you know you can live with, keeping in mind that everything in moderation is the key to having a peaceful mind.

♥Stop comparing.

That Sports Illustrated bikini model you keep comparing yourself to? Knock it off! There is no reason you can’t have your dream body, but staring at either the natural-genetic-thinness or hard work of others is not going to make that 6 pack magically appear. In fact, it will only cause stress and encourage negative feelings about yourself- which is exactly what we are trying to avoid.

♥Be yourself.

Do not worry yourself with that others are thinking. If you want that double chocolate cupcake, have it- and don’t think twice about what the person next to you may or may not be thinking. Be happy with yourself and while you may look for advice from others you care about, ultimately only you needs to provide approval of your actions, thoughts, and choices.


Generate love and positive feelings, you are in control of your own thoughts. If you choose to think negatively of how you look on any given day, then that cloudy image will be put out into the universe for all to see. No happy person looks ugly. As Rohl Dahl puts it. “If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”