Lady-like Gym Etiquette Tips

(guys this applies to you too)

“Lunk alarms” actually exist. Let’s face it folks, gym chivalry is dead. While I’m all for freedom of expression, if I can hear your grunting above my loud-as-it-gets workout playlist we have an issue.

Please do your fellow exercisers a favor and follow these general tips for proper gym etiquette.

 ->Wipe it down.

Those paper towels and bottles of cleaner aren’t there to look pretty. I  don’t care if that means cleaning off your forehead every 10 seconds AND that bench you just dripped all over, no one wants to come in contact with layers of  dried sweat.

 ->Put stuff away.

And not just anywhere, where you found it! Maybe this is definitely my OCD kicking in, but if I’m looking for a 10 pound weight I expect it to be in between the 8’s and 12’s. (spaced evenly apart is preferable…yes I’m kidding)

 ->Power down.

Get off of the equipment if your version of using it consists of browsing your iPhone. An emergency? Fine. An “OMG HE SAID WHAT”? Not fine. The gossipy phone call can wait until the car ride home. There are people trying to work out here!

->Be considerate.

Just because I step away from the leg press does not mean I’m finished using it. Chances are I’m in-between sets. If you want to jump in while I’m grabbing some water? Great! Just please ask before you take over.

 ->Be on time for classes.

If you’re taking a group fitness class, try to make it on time. Running late? Do your best to sneak into the back of the class and try to blend in,  I’m sure the instructor will disguise instinctual death stares with a welcoming smile.

 ->Keep the cat calls to yourself.

Last but not least. Sure, we can stand the once-over glance- lets us know our fitness routine is appreciated by the male eye…but I swear to God if you gym-stalk me, lick your lips in my direction, or call your friends over to watch me squat I’ll make a scene. Admire from afar boys.

Etiquette is not just about which fork to use. Perhaps more importantly, it’s about your behavior and how you respectfully treat others. After all, isn’t etiquette the invisible glue that holds civilized societies together?