Everything Beautiful about Lavender

Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) is perhaps the most soothing scent a person can ever experience. It is floral, but not too floral. When combined with tones of citrus and mint, it is even appealing to men. The smell of English Lavender from Yardley is a true classic that everyone is familiar with. The best part is that lavender has a property of being sedative in nature and helps to calm our nerves. Lavender is one of the most popular and widely used herbs of the mint family Lameaceae.

Let’s explore the beauty of this flowering plant…

Medicinal Benefits of Lavender

Lavender may be popular for its fragrant scent, but this soothing shrub is more than just lovely and sedating – it is one of the most powerful herbs in the world, which offers emotional and physical relief for various ailments and complains. Lavender owes its incredible spectrum of therapeutic powers to its healing chemical components.

Lavender oil contains more than 100 unique components. The primary components include: alcohol, camphor, terpines, limonene, lavandulyl acetate and volatile oils. It’s cooling effect brings relief to any skin inflammation.

Lavender oil has been used for a variety of conditions. These include:

  • As an anti-inflammatory and analgesic
  • Burns and sunburns
  • Antidepressant
  • As a nervine that can treat insomnia and rebalance the nervous system
  • As an antiseptic and antimicrobial. It can be used for disinfecting wounds, treat fungus and airborne molds.
  • Insect bites and as an insect repellent

How to Use Lavender?

Lavender and lavender oil can be used in many different ways.

1. Bath – this provides relief for the muscles and help the body relax. Add 10 drops of lavender oil in your tub and a cupful of Epsom salts or milk. Vigorously agitate the wate to disperse the oil.

2. Steam Inhalation – this is great for flu and colds as well as skincare or acne regimen. Add 5 drops of lavender oil to a bowl of hot water. Get a towel and place it over your head. Close your eyes and breathe in the vapor. Breathe deeply for several minutes.

3. Vaporiser – using a vaporizer or oil burner, add 8 drops of lavender oil. Vaporization is a good way to feel relaxed and sleep well. You can also place the burner in the living room.

4. Shower – after wetting your hair, put 6 drops of oil in a pail of water and pour it on your head slowly. Stand under a shower and let the oils rinse off. Breathe in the cool vapor by cupping your hands on your face. You can also add lavender oil in your shampoo.

5. Compress – prepare a bowl of warm water and add 8 drops of lavender oil. Soak the cloth and squeeze out excess water. Apply it over the area you need to treat. For muscular injuries or sprain, use cold water.

6. Massage – this is effective for tight or sore muscles. The oil is absorbed through the skin. Don’t use undiluted lavender oil, use a quality carrier oil such as vegetable oil. In 10 ml of vegetable oil, add 5 drops of lavender oil. For babies, only use 1 to 2 drops.

Lavender is more than a lovely herb. Its potent medicinal properties have been tested and proven for centuries. You can use lavender to relieve headaches, stress, anxiety and insomnia. Lavender flowers have been used since times immemorial in different ways. During World War I, it was used to treat and disinfect wounds. The English placed the lavender flowers in their hats to treat headache and sunstroke. Women often kept lavender sachets in their closets and wardrobes for fragrance, while hospitals used it an antiseptic and disinfectant to sterilize surfaces. Thus, both lavender oil and flowers have therapeutic value.