8 Reasons to Lift Weights

man lifting weights

Strength training is essential but it’s not that easy. And it is very important to know the benefits of weight lifting…it prevents heart diseases, stress and cancer.

Here are 8 reasons to lift weights next you’re at the gym!

Lose weight:

Regular strength training builds more active muscle tissues than fat. 40% of more fat is burned with weight lifting.

According to a research done between three categories i.e. no exercise, aerobic exercise and aerobic with weight training, third category has been found most fit among all.

Builds you strong:

Weight lifting makes you stronger. It’s not that you become strong only for workouts but in other areas as well. Lifting weights on regular basis make you prone to carry heavy things like grocery, carrying kids etc. It is not only helpful in building your muscles but bones too.

Saves you from injury:

Strength training keeps your ligaments and tendons strong by providing strength to connective tissue. These tissues keep your body in a good position. Weight lifting acts as a safeguard to protect your body from injuries.

Reduce Arthritis pain:

Arthritis pain can decrease with regular workouts; according to recent studies. It provides extra care to the muscles and protects the joints. Weight lifting gives you a better life by coping up with the issues of the body like huge amount of injuries. Protection of joints is must for arthritis patient as their bones get broken easily.

Improving Diet:

With regular workout, you feel like eating according to a diet plan. And following a diet plan equips you to take healthy diet. You burn 1500 calories a day with proper workout. When you exercise, you keep yourself on track and don’t eat junk food, thus, aiding weight loss goals.

Make you better at sports:

Athletes do regular strength training in order to build their body strong. It empowers the strength and running speed of athlete. Better athletes are made with proper workouts and weight lifting.

Controls Blood Pressure:

Regular workouts are helpful in reducing blood pressure in people. Apart from cardio exercise, regular workout treats high blood pressure level. You can start with basic workout to get habitual of exercising.

Increases flexibility:

Weight lifting makes your body flexible. In such a hectic life, the body can get stiff.  Weight lifting helps your bodies joints to work properly. It keeps you fit and fine and makes you flexible and strong. It also helps you in maintaining your weight.