7 Tips for Healthy Living


In this busy, work-obsessed culture, people frequently forget to show the necessary TLC to their bodies. Grabbing food that’s easy instead of healthy is a frequent symptom of life-on-the-go. But let’s be honest: everyone can afford to spend a little more energy in maintaining their overall wellness. It’s important!

Here are 7 wellness tips to live by:


Drinking eight glasses or more fluid each day is very vital to prevent getting dehydrated. Aside from the fluid that we acquire from the food we take in. All kinds of non-alcoholic drinks are counted; however, milk and water are considered the healthiest.

Try avoiding soft drinks as they have high sugar content, for most likely it is high in calories and not good for the teeth. Even fruit juices that are unsweetened are sugary, so try not to exceed one glass or 150ml of fruit juice every day.

♥Eat Fruits and Vegetables

It is highly recommended that consume at least five servings of various kinds of fruits and vegetables every day. It is easier than it sounds. A full glass of 100 percent unsweetened fruit juice an equivalent of 150ml can be considered as one portion, and veggies cooked into different dishes are also counted.

♥Eat Fish

Fish is a great source of protein and has several vitamins and minerals. Try to eat fish at least two servings per week, which includes at least one serving of oily fish. Oily fish contains a lot of omega-3 fats, which is very great in preventing heart disease. You can opt for canned, fresh or frozen: but always bear in mind that smoked and canned fish has high salt content.

♥Don’t Skip Breakfast

There are people think that if they skip breakfast, it’s going to help them take off weight, but research have shown that eating breakfast, in fact, that help control your weight. Having a well-balanced breakfast is a vital part of a healthy diet and offers vitamins and minerals we need for optimum health.

♥Eat Less Salt

Even if salt is not added into your food, chances are you might still be taking in too much. Roughly ¾ of the salt we take in are present in the food we buy, like breads, breakfast cereals, sauces, and soups. Consuming foods with high levels of salt can elevate your blood pressure. Individuals with high blood pressure have high chances of developing heart diseases or a stroke.

♥Cut Down Saturated Fat and NO Sugar Intake

Out body needs fat. However, it’s very important to be aware of the type and amount of fat we take in. There are two kinds of fat: saturated fat and unsaturated fat. Consuming anything that has great amounts of saturated fat can raise the levels of cholesterol in the blood, this in turns increases your chances of getting heart disease. So cut down on saturated fat and go for foods that has unsaturated fat like avocados, oily fish, and vegetable oils.

Sugar is the most deadliest poison for us.  Try to avoid as much as, or any, unnatural sugar.

♥Get Active

Being physically active can greatly help you in maintaining weight loss or maintain that healthy weight. Being physically active does not have to mean training for hours in the gym: there are a lot of ways to include activity in your day to day life. Example, you can get off the bus on stop early as you go home from work, and just walk. Being active physically can help in reducing your risk of developing Diabetes type 2, heart disease and stroke.