7 Days to Skinny Jeans

fashion woman's legs

A fit body cannot be achieved in 7 days. Sorry to rain on your parade, I do not believe win quick fixes. Never fear! I do in fact believe in your body’s ability to cleanse itself, and quick, if you help it to do so. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to invest in a $100/72-hour juice cleanse to rejuvenate from within.

So if you’ve just had a weekend of sugar binging, alcohol drinking, or simply want to decrease bloat for next weekend’s Instagram selfie- follow my personal slim down in 7 method!

Cleanse from within. (I recommend 3-7 days) Hot water with lemon first thing in the morning. (detoxifies your liver)

 – Slim tip: this should be replacing your caffeine intake, entirely. Yes you can do it! For at least 1 or 2 days, even cut out your usual cup of tea. If you’re anything like me the no-coffee-headache sets in around 1pm, and lingers on into the next day. I personally don’t like having my body depend on anything, so I muscle through the headache knowing I’m ridding myself of a mild form of addiction.  (and with the comfort of knowing I can have my beloved dark roast, in moderation, after those brutal 72 hours)

Remove all processed foods from your diet(revamps your metabolism)

– Slim tip: For me, this means eliminating all dairy, gluten, sugar, and animal products. For days 1-3 follow this rule: “if it doesn’t grow, don’t eat it”. Snack on some unsalted nuts in between meals, avoid sugary fruits, and ramp up your veggie intake. Days  4-7 I tend to reintroduce lean meats, ie: turkey, chicken, and fish to get my protein in. Eat whenever you are hungry, and eat until you are satisfied.

Drink water (flushes out toxins, keeps you fuller for longer)

– Slim tip: You’ve heard me say this before, and I’ll preach this to anyone who will listen. Water intake is crucial. I can almost guarantee that you aren’t consuming enough water on a regular basis. You should be drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of water a day; and even more so on a cleanse, with increased physical activity, and for each cup of caffeine you take in! I have followed this for so long now that I actually feel bloated when I don’t have at least a gallon of water a day.

Sleep more. (resets your immune system, rests your internal organs)

– Slim tip: This is a hard one for me. I tend to function best on 6ish hours of shut eye, so during my self-prescribed cleanses I make it a point to head to bed early. Aim for 8-10 hours a night.

Meditate. (or whatever it is you find clears your mind)

– Slim tip: If meditation isn’t your cup of tea, try anything that will quiet your mind. Try drawing, reading your favorite book, writing your thoughts on paper, going to see a therapist- there are so many ways to perform mental cleanses. Actively try to think positively.

Exercise. (a good sweat always makes me feel good)

– Slim tip: Days 1 through 3 of my diet cleanse I either skip the physical activity or stick with a relaxing yoga vinyasa. Once I reintroduce protein on day 4 I’m back to my usual gym routine.

Like all diet and fitness regimes, nothing works the same for everyone. I can only write about my experiences and what personally works for me. Please remember to consult with your doctor before taking part in any labeled “cleanses”, as some can end up doing more harm than good. Try my 7 days to slim tips the next time you’re looking to break an unhealthy routine!