6 Amazing Benefits of Honey

Honey with Honeycomb

The healing potential of honey has been known for centuries, but besides its sweet tasty flavor, you might be surprised on how many benefits you can enjoy from this golden liquid. Read below and find out the 6 amazing benefits and uses of honey.

Honey for Beautiful, Healthy Skin

Honey is known as a great moisturizer and anti-aging agent. This is the reason why many skin care products use honey in their formulation. It can do wonders on your skin. As a natural moisturizer, honey has the ability to retain moisture and keep your skin supple, fresh and hydrated. Ancient women used milk and honey to keep their skin radiant, smooth and youthful.

To soften your skin, mix honey with lemon juice and ground almonds for a gentle yet thorough facial scrub. To use it as a facial mask, combine a teaspoon of honey with egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Apply it all over your face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water.

Honey for Eye Care

This may be new for you but the Indians and Egyptians used honey to cure certain eye diseases. As a natural moisturizer with great anti-microbial property, honey can be beneficial as a treatment for eye infection such as itchiness and redness of the eyes, conjunctivitis, trachoma and other related diseases. It can be used internally and externally to prevent the progression of glaucoma. Also, many people reported positive results of using honey for the dry eye syndrome. Dry Eye Syndrome is a condition when there is lack of adequate lubrication or moisture on the surface of the eyes.

To use honey for eye care, mix 1 teaspoon honey and a teaspoon of warm filtered water. Using a cotton ball, apply it as lotion or eye bath. This is also an excellent eye wash for eye infection relief.

Honey for Weight Loss

Many weight loss and detox programs use honey with lemon juice and warm water for cleansing the liver, flushing out fat and toxins out from the body. To make the most out from honey, you can substitute it for artificial sweeteners and refined sugar. But just remember to use it in moderation because one tablespoon of honey contains about 63 calories.

Honey as a Natural Healer

Honey contains the compound ‘inhibine’ known to have antimicrobial properties. Having said, it makes sense applying honey on burns, wounds and cuts. When applied topically, honey supports skin integrity by promoting tissue repair and alleviating pain. It prevents open wounds from further infection and other complications such as gangrene. Take note that honey only suits minor cuts that could otherwise be applied with antiseptic ointments. Any deep wounds that look infected must be evaluated by a medical professional.

Honey for Healthy Hair

Do you have dry, dull-looking hair? Honey can do wonder to your mane by helping your strands retain moisture and eliminate dry, itchy scalp. It also helps keep your hair healthy, shiny, clean and lustrous. There are many ways you can use honey on your hair.

To make honey hair mask, heat two tablespoon honey, three tablespoon olive oil and a tablespoon of lemon juice. When the mixture is warm enough, apply it to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for half an hour and then rinse well. This natural honey hair mask will make your locks stronger and healthier. To boost your hair even further, mix a teaspoon of honey with your shampoo and apply it on your hair regularly.

Honey for Good Digestion

For centuries, honey has been a known home remedy for relief of digestive problems. The antiseptic properties of honey improve digestion by balancing the acidity of your stomach. It also neutralizes bloating and gas for a soother stomach. To thwart off indigestion, take 1 to 2 tablespoon of honey before meals. You can also drink tea with honey to soothe indigestion, and if you have already eaten too much, drink honey with lemon and water so the food smoothly move through your digestive tract.

When you do you grocery shopping, make sure to check the label ‘raw’ on the honey. Raw honey is the unpasteurized type. Studies found out that raw honey’s potent phytonutrients, including the anti-microbial properties offer a wide array of healthy benefits.