5 Exercises for Strong and Flexible Feet

ballet feet

Your feet are a vital part of your day. They are the base of your balance, strength in your back, and keep you moving. But how often do you consider their need to be stretched and exercised to stay healthy?

Below are five fabulous exercises to keep your feet ready to tackle anything you throw at them.

Be sure to have a flat, clean floor space to do them, or consider doing a few of them in the shower. The hot water can help further loosen up muscles and ease any pain.

1. Tennis Ball Massage

Any semi-flexible ball around the size of your foot’s arch will work for this exercise. Trust me, your feet will love the pressure release, and each of its 26 bones and 20 muscles will love the stretch.

How to do it: Use the ball to gently press and roll around all parts of the bottom of your foot. If a particular point hurts, press and hold for five seconds. Release and press on that point again for another five seconds. Start with five minutes on each foot, and feel free to work up to ten minutes per day.

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