10 Pregnancy Power Foods

Walnuts Nuts

During pregnancy, one has to be extra careful to take the required quantity of nutrients. Even if you include all sorts of Vitamins and lots of minerals in your daily diet, during pregnancy you may have still to worry if you may not be missing on something else. During these times, what you eat not only affects you in general but it affects the development of the child in you.

One good way to get the desired nutrients is to take the power foods. These foods have enough nutrients in few bites to give you the required input. Let us discuss these power foods one by one;

1. Broccoli

Broccoli and Cauliflower

Broccoli in one vegetable that is full of Vitamin A and C. It has a good quantity of Calcium that helps in building the bones in the baby. It is fiber rich and provides antioxidants to improve immunity. Due to good Vitamin C in Broccoli, it helps in absorbing iron hence you eat food rich in iron like brown rice or pasta. Broccoli is also an excellent source of folic acid that is good for development of the baby.
It can be taken in many ways to your liking. You can take it with Pasta or salad. Yu can also stir fry it with seafood or chicken. It is also an excellent addition to steamed food.

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